ADCParameters class with Main path at /home/runner/work/encodermap/encodermap.
Non-standard value of l2_reg_constant: 0
Non-standard value of use_backbone_angles: True
using backbone angles
main_inputs: (256, 943)
encoded: (256, 2)
tf.Tensor(True, shape=(), dtype=bool)
decoded: (256, 943)
Output files are saved to tmp as defined in 'main_path' in the parameters.
[93mFor the ssupdate function to work encodermap/vmd/sscache.tcl will be sourced within vmd. If no Error is thrown the file is present.[0m
encodermap.TrajEnsemble object. Current backend is no_load. Containing 2 trajs. Not containing any CVs.
This `TrajEnsemble` object contains mulitple topologies. The output of _CVs can contain nans for some features.
This `TrajEnsemble` object contains mulitple topologies. The output of _CVs can contain nans for some features.
This `TrajEnsemble` object contains mulitple topologies. The output of _CVs can contain nans for some features.
Data and traj misaligned. traj_frames: 51, data.shape: (1, 3), attr_name: 1am7_center_of_mass, [[3.81903247 3.93509809 3.85774657]]
Overwriting the following CVs with new values: {'center_of_mass_x'}.
Overwriting the following CVs with new values: {'npy_data'}.
Overwriting the following CVs with new values: {'ones'}.
Overwriting the following CVs with new values: {'pos_arr'}.
Overwriting the following CVs with new values: {'ones2'}.
Overwriting the following CVs with new values: {'ones3'}.